Thursday, February 27, 2014

We're Back!

It has been a long time since I posted here, but I have been VERY busy working with the whales!

After our trip to Arizona I was guided to create a non-profit focusing on cetacean (whale and dolphin) education. Gray Whale Wisdom, Inc. is our official non-profit. We are still in the development stages, but are moving forward by creating content for our website and teaching materials for elementary and middle school educators.

The whales are still teaching me. I want to share what I am learning with the rest the world.

I have been through many changes since the trip to Arizona.

I really don’t know where to start, so I will try to weave this post into an overview of where I am now and how I became this ‘messenger for the whales’.

Long story short: More and more messages from the whales continued to come through me consistently and became more detailed. Soon, it became more of a dialogue. I now ask questions and receive some very profound answers! I mostly communicate with the collective consciousness of the whales, as a species. Sometimes though, I talk with certain individuals, ascended masters if you will. They communicate very specific teachings and information. They want to share information about all of creation. They want to help us, humans, along our evolutionary journey. They want to help us awaken our consciousness to a broader perspective of the universe and to life in general. I am learning something amazing from them every day.

When I am with the whales during these “lessons,” they take me deep into meditation. I never know where they are going to take me and rarely remember the words that are said. Fortunately I am able to speak the messages during the sessions and all is recorded for later transcription. During the process I experience feelings, see visions and concepts which help me understand what they are communicating. Carolyn and I are working hard during the editing process to bring forth the fullest and clearest translation/interpretation for others to understand.

We are collecting these inspirational messages and teachings from the whales into a series of books, the first of which will be available soon.

The whales are here to help us all remember we are heart-centered beings of love. We are love and we are all here to love each other. I choose to love all that is before me, and want to share this intense joy and vibrant beauty with anyone who will listen.

The whales say they have been singing to humanity for a very long time. If we will listen closely we can hear their message about the true nature of reality, the wonder of the universe and depth of love within and all around us. The whales have much to teach us.

During this journey, while opening to the whales and other loving beings that are part of our reality, I am finding a sense of wholeness in life. I have also acquired some helpful tools and methods for facilitating balance and well being. I am sharing these gifts with others to help them find optimal health and balance of body, mind and spirit within themselves. More on that later!

All this has helped me to step more fully into life and my true purpose. I feel very honored and blessed. And, I must add, without my dear friend and companion, Carolyn, this journey would not have unfolded in the way it has. She has been a touchstone in making this real, helping me to bring coherence to the words whispered to me by the whales.

We have also coauthored a children’s book about a little boy who meets a whale and learns about seeing the world through the eyes of love. We will keep you posted as that moves towards publication as well.

Thank you for taking the time to read all of this. We look forward to sharing more soon!

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